Study plan

Type of subject ECTS to attend Offered ECTS
Basic Education 60 60
Mandatory 126 126
Specialisation optional subjects 24 72
General optional subjects 18 24
Bachelor’s Degree Final Project 12 12
Total 240 294


Teaching programme time distribution and structure


Teaching development


In the current verified report of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, on section 5 “Teaching Planning”, the possible evaluation systems applied in the degree are referenced. In particular, the text gather the followings:

    The evaluation which refers the general and specific competences, contents and objectives related with the knowledge acquisition will be carried out in each subjects as well as in the bachelor’s degree final project. The process implies a continuous evaluation through the classroom work monitoring, as a global evaluation of the learning process and the acquirement of competences and knowledges. These evaluation systems are developed in detail in the study guide of each subject in each academic year.

    The evaluation of competences and objectives which are not closely connected with knowledges acquisition (like for instance: understand and behave regarding the ethical necessary principles to the correct professional exercise, knowing and developing the human rights, democratic principles, those of equality among women and men, of solidarity, environmental protection, universal accessibility and of peace culture promotion) will be evaluated in the different activities and manifestations that the student makes during their educational programme, as well as the development of external internships and in their Bachelor’s Degree Final Project.

In each subject the evaluation system will be indicated by decimal numerical grades from 0 to 10, according to what is established in the section 5 of the Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September, 5.