The Bachelor’s Degree in Biology bases its justification in several reasons put together in the White Book of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biology published by ANECA. Hereafter there are some reasons to be highlighted among those:

  • The Biology science is essential to the human knowledge
  • The steps forward in Biology are necessary for society development
  • There is a big social demand for studies in Biology
  • Graduated students find jobs within the field of the degree
  • The professional field trusts the graduated students from Biology

In the design of the UVIGO’s Bachelor’s Degree in Biology subjects/knowledges were taken into account to prepare specialised biologists to start to develop their professional skills, complementing their basic and compulsory education with a optional subjects offer to face the preparation of the graduated for professional fields with a strong implementation in the autonomous community of Galicia.

The optional subjects in the new study plan are organised in 3 modules or specialities with the goal of bring orientation to students when preparing their own formative and professionalising curriculum. Because of these, three specialities in the degree were included:

  • Biology applied to production.
  • Biology applied to environment.
  • Biology applied to health.

In general, the objectives to add the specialisations to this new study plan are:

  • Improve the curricular visualisation of the professional orientation achieved by students through optional subjects.
  • Ease the organisation of the term optional subjects offered within the fixed routes of each specialisation and requiring a minimum number of credits to achieve the specialisation. However, it must be possible to graduate without specialising.
  • Keep the orientations “Production” and “Environment” from the previous plan and complete the one related with the health area by including subjects complementing the existing ones.