The commitment of the centre to the quality and continuous improvement of the Faculty of Biology is specified by a quality policy that marks its own strategy that is determined by the general objectives of quality and its consequent lines of action.

The quality policy of the Faculty of Biology comes from the importance of consolidating a culture of quality in the University environment, of its consideration as a determining factor to achieve the satisfaction of the training expectations of its graduates and its recognition in the academic, professional or social fields in which they are integrated. For this purpose, there is a commitment to use all available human and material resources in compliance with the current law and in accordance with established criteria and guidelines.

This establishes the following general lines that constitute the quality policy of the centre:

  • To maintain a training offer adjusted to the demands, needs and expectations of society, to consolidate high levels of quality in its degrees, without sacrificing the academic foundations of the University based on the development of critical spirit knowledge and the capacity of analysis and reflection.
  • To achieve national and international recognition of teaching quality through the achievement of objectives associated with academic indicators of special relevance to those related to the satisfaction of stakeholders.
  • To facilitate the dissemination of quality culture and continuous training in the field of quality of teaching and research staff, administration and services staff and of the student body, promoting the effectiveness and continuity of the systems and processes linked to it.
  • To ensure the implementation, development and monitoring of both the Quality Assurance System and all processes related to the quality that concerns the centre and its titles.
  • To ensure education, research, management and transfer of knowledge from a gender perspective to eliminate obstacles that impede real equality between men and women.
  • To obtain a permanent commitment to continuous improvement as a standard of conduct, and propose and carry out the necessary actions for the maintenance and improvement of quality.