The Faculty of Biology participates in the Linguistic Internationalization Policy, of the University of Vigo, so that several subjects of the Degree in Biology will be taught entirely in English (by duly accredited teaching staff) during the 2017-18 academic year. English is considered as the language of science and its use is almost widespread in Biology (scientific journals, laboratories, research centers,…). Therefore with this initiative we intend to improve the training and linguistic skills of our graduates.

The Faculty will not require students to officially certify their English language level in order to be able to enroll in these courses. However, it is advisable for students who choose to participate in them to have a B2 or equivalent level. The subjects that will be taught in English are as follows:

Subjects taught in English – Year 2019/2020

Subject Year Semester ECTS
Chemistry applied to Biology 1c 6
Citology and Histology I 1c 6
Zoology II 2c 6
Genetics I 2c 6
Genetics II 1c 6


In these courses the groups that are taught in Galician/Spanish will remain but a new group in English will be incorporated (in each subject) will be added, in which a maximum of 15-16 students will participate (in case of a higher demand, an academic scoring criterion will be used for selection).

The schedules of English groups, are already set in the academic calendar of the course 2017-18.

The Linguistic Internationalization Policy of the University of Vigo contemplates several incentives as that Students who attend subjects in English will be reflected in the Diploma Supplement (SET) that accompanies the student’s academic record.