The interuniversity Master’s degree in Aquaculture taught in the University of Vigo (UVIGO), in the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and in the University of A Coruña (UCD) gives the student an advanced, specific and multidisciplinary education oriented to educational, researcher and professional formation in Aquaculture. The students acquire knowledge, abilities and aptitudes which will allow them to design and carry out the research in the area of aquaculture, manage and control continental and marine facilities, evaluate their environmental impact and answer the I+D+i necessities by the implementation of strategies for the future development of industry.

Degree web page


Information of interest

  • Vacancies: 30 (10 in the UVigo)
  • Teaching type: face-to-face
  • Offer regularity: annual
  • Duration: 90 ECTS



José Luís Soengas
+34 986 812 564


Postgraduate Studies Area
+34 986 812 532