Designation Graduated in Biology by the University of Vigo
Degree’s RUCT Code 2501085
Branch of knowledge Sciences
Requesting University: University of Vigo
Responsible Centre Faculty of Biology
Teaching centre Faculty of Biology
Type of education Classroom education
Educational type Full time
Offer periodicity Annual
Offered entry-level places 75 places
Minimum number of ECTS in enrolment 12 per term and 24 per year
Languages used in the degree Galician, Spanish and English
Responsible of the Degree Mercedes Gallardo Medina
Degree Coordinator Mercedes Gallardo Medina
Authorization date by the Xunta de Galicia 27/08/2009 (DOG 16/09/2009)
Council of Ministers Approval 30/10/2009 (BOE 05/01/2010)
Study Plan Approval 16/06/2021 (BOE 24/06/2021)
Date of the latest accreditation 09/06/2016
28/01/2019 (institutional accreditation)
Modification date (ACSUG) June 10, 2021


Regulated professions for which it qualifies (extracted from Decree 150/2008, of July 22)

Current degree report (modified on June 10, 2021)

Initial Degree Report