Welcome to the official website of the Faculty of Biology

In this website, you will be able to find all the information related to the academic titles offered at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Vigo, as well as the information about the events and activities organised, and many links of your interest.

If you are interested in studying the Degree in Biology, this is the place. This website will show you all the advantages of studying this degree at the University of Vigo. In addition, you can also consult a wide variety of Máster´s Degree we offer at this Faculty.

If you are already a student of this Faculty, this website will give you access to all the information relating to the study plan, study guides, timetables, exams, virtual learning environment, mentoring action programme,…

If you have already finished your studies, you can use this website to have access to the information of the profession and as a meeting point of all the graduates.

Any suggestion to improve this website will be always welcome.

Dean Board