Sieiro Vázquez


Area of Microbiology
Department of Functional Biology and Health Sciences

Contact information

Faculty of Biology
Edificio de CC Experimentais
Bloque C, Floor 3, Despacho 52

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 639


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

Degree in BIology

V02G031V01412 | Biotecnoloxía aplicada á Produción microbiana

Master’s Degree in Advanced Biotechnology

V02M074V11108 | Genetic Engineering and Transgenesis
V02M074V11112 | Industrial biotechnology

2nd term

Master’s Degree in Advanced Biotechnology

V02M074V11221 | Food biotechnology
V02M074V11225 | Applied biotechnology for sustainable development


1st term

On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.


2nd term

On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Virtual Secretariat.