Subject ECTS Type Year Term
Evolution 6 MA 1st 1st
Soil, aquatic environment and climate 6 MA 1st 2nd
Basic laboratory techniques 6 MA 1st 2nd
Basic field techniques 6 MA 1st 2nd
IT tools in Biology 6 MA 1st 2nd
Physics of biological processes 6 MA 1st 1st
Geology 6 MA 1st 1st
Mathematics applied to Biology 6 MA 1st 1st
Chemistry applied to Biology 6 MA 1st 1st
Biostatistics 6 MA 1st 2nd
Subject ECTS Type Year Term
Biochemistry I 6 MA 2nd 3rd
Biochemistry II 6 MA 2nd 4th
Botany I: Algae and fungi 6 MA 2nd 3rd
Botany II: Archegonia 6 MA 2nd 4th
Animal and plant histology and cytology I 6 MA 2nd 3rd
Animal and plant histology and cytology II 6 MA 2nd 4th
Microbiology I 6 MA 2nd 3rd
Microbiology II 6 MA 3rd 6th
Zoology I: Non-arthropod invertebrates 6 MA 2nd 3rd
Zoology II: Arthropods invertebrates and chordates 6 MA 2nd 4th
Genetics I 6 MA 2nd 4th
Genetics II 6 MA 3rd 5th
Ecology I 6 MA 3rd 5th
Ecology II 6 MA 3rd 6th
Animal Physiology I 6 MA 3rd 5th
Animal Physiology II 6 MA 3rd 6th
Plant Physiology 6 MA 3rd 5th
Plant Physiology II 6 MA 3rd 6th
Immunology and parasitology 6 MA 3rd 5th
Cellular and molecular biology techniques 6 MA 3rd 6th

Subject ECTS Type Year Term
Clinical biochemistry and immunology 6 M1 4th 7th
Health microbiology and parasitology 6 M1 4th 7th
Cell biology and integrative physiology: implications in health 6 M1 4th 7th
Human genetics and molecular pathology 6 M1 4th 7th
Agrifood analyse and diagnose 6 M2 4th 7th
Biotechnology applied to animal production 6 M2 4th 7th
Biotechnology applied to plant production 6 M2 4th 7th
Biotechnology applied to microbial production 6 M2 4th 7th
Environmental analyse and diagnose 6 M3 4th 7th
Environmental impact evaluation 6 M3 4th 7th
Biodiversity: management and conservation 6 M3 4th 7th
Spaces management and conservation 6 M3 4th 7th
Subject ECTS Type Year Term
Quality management and control 6 OP 4th 7th
Pollution 6 OP 4th 8th
Bioinformatics 6 OP 4th 8th
External Internships 6 OP 4th 8th
Subject ECTS Type Year Term
Projects draft and execution 6 MA 4th 8th
Bachelor’s Degree Final Project 12 MA 4th 8th


Specialisations offered in the centre

  • S1: Biology applied to health
  • S2: Biology applied to production
  • S3: Biology applied to environment