The Quality Committee of the Faculty of Biology is a collegiate body that supervises and promotes the different systems and processes related to Quality (Quality Management System, evaluation processes, monitoring process of qualifications…). It also analyses the results and indicators, and plans the improvement measures.

Quality Committee Internal Regulations

According to the Quality Manual, The Quality Committee has the following functions:

  • To review the development of the Quality Management System of the Faculty.
  • To coordinate the annual quality objectives of the faculty and verify their execution.
  • To follow the efficiency of the procedures through the established indicators.
  • To review and approve the implementation of proposals to improve the QMS.
  • To evaluate the results of the satisfaction surveys and to propose possible improvements based on the results.
  • To propose the creation of improvement groups or teams, to take over the resolution of the weaknesses detected in the evaluation process.
Name Status Position
Mercedes Gallardo Medina President Dean
Equality link
Jesús M. Míguez Miramontes Secretary Quality coordinator
Jose Luís Soengas Fernández Vocal Máster in Aquaculture coordinator
Luis Navarro Echeverría Vocal Máster in Terrestrial Biodiversity coordinator
José Manuel García Estévez Vocal Máster in Marine Biology coordinator
Pedro Pablo Gallego Veigas Vocal Master in Advanced Biotechnology coordinator
Manuel Ángel Pombal Diego Vocal Máster in Neuroscience coordinator
Josefina Garrido González Vocal Master in Teaching coordinator
Humberto Quesada Rodríguez Vocal Master in Genomics and Genetics coordinator
Mª Fuencisla Mariño Callejo Vocal PAT/PIUNE Coordinator
Raúl Iglesias Blanco Vocal Degree and Master Representative
Juan Pérez Fernández Vocal Coordinator of mobility and external internships
Carmen Sieiro Vázquez Vocal Department Head Representative
Pablo Barreira Villamarín Vocal Degree student
Sara Isabel Fernández Pazos Vocal Presindent of Students Delegation
André Riveiro Suárez Vocal Master student
Antía Verde Rodríguez Vocal Graduate
Jonatan Reboredo Durán Vocal Graduate
María Fariza Novoa Vocal Center administrator
Manuel Eduardo Gallardo Ortega Vocal PAS Representative, laboratory technician
José Antonio Fernández Bouzas Vocal Society representative, COBG
Maruxa Pérez Vázquez Vocal Society representative, employer