
Matrícula 2024/2025


Centro certificado Fides-Audit

Novo Grao en Bioloxía

No curso 2021/2022 arrancou cun plano de estudos renovado, máis especializado e coa posibilidade de graduarse con mención.


Validacións no SUG

Táboas de recoñecementos directos entre as materias de Formación Básica e materias Obrigatorias das titulacións de Grao en Bioloxía nas universidades do Sistema Universitario de Galicia


Degree in Biology

Degree in Biology

The Bachelor’s Degree in Biology is a degree adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which gives continuity to previous five-year-degree that had been part of the Faculty of Biology since its creation. Therefore, as in the five-year-degree, the main goal of the Bachelor’s Degree in Biology is to prepare biologists able to understand the functioning and behaviour of living beings, their origin and evolution, and their relation with the environment surroundings.

In addition to the basic education that any biologist must have, the new Bachelor’s Degree in Biology includes the possibility of graduate with a specialisation. Here there are three itineraries with specific orientations in which competences to apply the biological knowledges in the following fields: i) health, health biology and clinical analytics (specialisation: Biology applied to Health); ii) biotecnology, quality control, tecnological innovation, bioinformatics, gen and molecular technologies (specialisation; Biology applied to Production) and iii) biodiversity, evalution of the environmental impact, pollution (specialisation: Biology applied to the Environment).

It is also possible to graduate without specialisation.

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