The internships made in external organizations (companies, institutions) constitute a subject of 6 ECTS, named External Internships. It is an optative subject and it is offered during the second semester of the last year of the Degree in Biology. These internships have as objective to ease the formation of the students for the professional exercise in order to improve their inclusion in the laboral world.
For being able to make the external internships, the students must have passed at least the 50% of the degree credits (120 ECTS) and the receiving entity must have signed an educational cooperation agreement with the University of Vigo. Our centre has agreements with about 100 public and private entities..
The students can get in touch with other external entities of their interest and, after the signing of the corresponding agreement, that vacancy will be allocated (external internships as candidate).
For the development of the internships, it was approved in Faculty Board the External Internships Regulament of the Faculty of Biology, elaborated according to the corresponding normative of the MEC (Ministry of Education) and the University of Vigo. All the management related to the application process, allocation, execution and evaluation of the internships is regulated in this document.
Currently, external internships must be formalized through the computer application developed for this purpose; therefore, it is necessary that the coordinator of the subject have all the necessary information (Annex I) one week before the scheduled start of the practices.
During the execution of external internships, the students are under the supervision of a tutor of the receiving entity (external tutor) who has to be honor graduate and a tutor from the faculty (academic tutor), both responsible of watching over for the right development of the established educational project at the beginning of the internships included in the internship’s formalization document (Annex I). This document, together with Annex II (Responsible declaration of the collaborating entity) and Annex III (Commitment of the student), must be duly signed BEFORE starting the internship period.
The evaluation of the internships includes the grade of the external tutor according to the activity developed by the student (Annex IV) and the grade of the academic tutor according to the internship’s memory presented by the student (Annex V).
On the other hand, the students also have to give their opinion about the external internships (Annex VI).
In addition, there are three other documents: Annex VII (Request for modification of the external internship), Annex VIII (Request for termination or resignation of the external internship) and Annex IX (Certificate of participation as a tutor in the collaborating entity).
All the information about external internships made by each student is in the corresponding accrediting certificate (Annex X) that is added to the academic record.
Curricular External Internships – Course 2022/2023
- Curricular External Internships offer
- Provisional admission list
- Definitive admission list