The interuniversity Master’s degree in Neuroscience is given in the universities of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña. The objective of the Master’s degree is the education of researchers who collaborate in the future to the resolution of a great number of diseases related to the nervous system. It is an interdisciplinary Master’s degree that has a basic and clinic speciality. The first one is directed to the comprehension of the nervous system operation. The second one is directed to the research of system pathologies such as Parkinson and Alzheimer among others.

Degree web page


Information of interest

  • Vacancies: 50 (10 in the UVigo)
  • Type of teaching: face-to-face
  • Offer regularity: annual
  • Duration: 60 ECTS



Manuel Ángel Pombal Diego
+34 986 812 390


Postgraduate Studies Area
+34 986 812 532