According to the current normative, the unionisation is a legal requirement demanded to graduates in biology to be able to practise the free profession as biologist. Thus, for the regulated professions, such as the case of the profession of Biologist, it is applied the Royal Decree 693/1996, 26th April (BOE 23th May, 1996) which allows the free practise of the profession since the function doesn’t damage the free unionization. The public civil servants and other staff which provide services in the public Administrations are excluded from the unionisation.

The regulated profession, as well as the possibility of professional unionisation it is explained in the Article 3rd of the Spanish Constitution and, afterwards it is regulated in the Law 75/1980, 26th December which created the Official College of Biologists (OCB) and the Law 23/1999 6th July, which creates the General Council of the Official College of Biologists.