The Official College of Biologists of Galicia (OCBGA) is a corporation of pro bono public law. It was constituted after the approval of the Royal Decree 1679/2000, 2nd October, which agreed to segregate the Galicia Local Office of the Official College of Biologists. The creation of the Official College of Biologists of Galicia was made official after the approval of the Decree 237/2003, 27th March.

The Official College of Biologists (that in the beginning was named Galicia Local Office of the Official College of Biologists) opened its doors in 1987. Nowadays, it has more than 1500 graduates.


In the Official College of Biologists will be able to join:

  • The Spanish or foreign citizens that prove being in possession of the official degree of Bachelor’s degree or Degree in Biology, or another equivalent degree, according to the established in the Order ESU/2158/2011, 13th June, which recognises some degrees corresponding to the Catalog of official university degrees.
  • Doctors who have in the itemisation of the degree themes related to concrete fields of Biology.
  • Spanish or foreign people who prove being in possession of an official degree issued by a foreign university which has an agreement of standardization in an official degree of Bachelor’s degree or Degree in Biology.