Visits to the Faculty of Biology

The Faculty of Biology receives every year a lot of visits from secondary and baccalaureate centres who request to get to know the centre in different dates. These visits are organised by the Information and Orientation Service for Students (SIOPE) of the University of Vigo, which contacts the centre to prepare the visit. In these cases the visit is shorter, but students receive information on the centre and its degrees and take part in displays performed by the teaching staff in the laboratories on different topics in Biology.

Visit request form


Visits to Secondary Schools

The Faculty of Biology centre board also offers the possibility of visiting the secondary schools themselves to introduce to students who we are and what we do, our degrees -specially the Bachelor’s Degree in Biology- and their career prospects. If you want further information you can contact the SIOPE or our centre itself.

Orientation talks request form


Scientific dissemination

Lastly, the scientific dissemination is part of our centre philosophy. Accordingly, the Faculty of Biology through the SIOPE also takes part in the dissemination of topics of scientific interest for those centres which require so. In this way, students have the possibility of getting to know and interact with the teaching staff of our faculties which selflessly take part in these talks. To do so, they must contact the SIOPE or in this address.

Scientific dissemination talks request form

Scientific dissemination talks for Baccalaureate and Vocational Training centres