Biomedical Research Centre (CINBIO)

The Biomedical Research Centre (CINBIO) is a multidisciplinary centre in which the main areas in research in Biomedicine are studied. It was created as a shared facility for all the researchers specialised in biomedicine in the University of Vigo.


In the CINBIO basic, applied and clinical research is performed by professional as doctors, chemists, biologist, biostatistics and engineers. The centre eases the knowledge, resources and technology exchange among the groups and with external institutions, like other universities, health centres, regional and local governments and related industries.

CINBIO web page


Toralla Marine Science Station (ECIMAT)

The Toralla Marine Science Station (ECIMAT) is a modular building, flexible and functional, which provides the university community and other public or private institutions the right facilities to work with sea water and marine cultures, both at a research level and as a pilot plant.


There are three units in the ECIMAT:

Marine Cultures

The Marine Cultures unit has the necessary facilities for the marine organisms supply cultured relevant for research: micro-algae (stock of 34 species), brine shrimp, rotifers, obtained larval and juvenile phases of crustaceans, molluscs and fishes.

Marine Environment

This unit has the necessary infrastructure to test sea water, plankton and benthos: diving scarf with the necessary equipment for autonomous diving, small boat dock and scientific experimentation, 5.5 m semi-rigid inflatable boat (zodiac) and 7.5m cruiser equipped with oceanographic prospecting material.

Environmental Quality

The Environmental Quality unit is in charge of establishing physical-chemical parameters in water in situ and in the laboratory and the performance of bioessays for the determination of chemical contamination and marine sediments. This unit also offers histological process of sea organisms samples and microscopic and image analyse equipment.

ECIMAT web page


Scientific-Technological Support Centre for Research (CACTI)

The Scientific-Technological Support Center for Research, known by its acronym in Spanish CACTI, was and is an investment of the University of Vigo on the basic and applied quality research in the national and international fields since 1991.


The CACTI goal is the centralised acquisition, management and use of big scientific equipment with the vocation of providing scientific and technological support for members of the University Community like the Public Research Organisms (OPis), in the national and international area, and private entities of our surroundings.

The CACTI offers the most cutting-edge services in scientific research: Structural determination, Proteomic and Genomic, Nanotechnology and Surface Analysis, Electron Microscopy, Sustainable Development and Food Safety (in the Ourense and Vigo Campus), Remote Sensing, Machining Workshop and Electronic and Calibration Workshops. This way, the CACTI on both its heart quarters in Vigo and in Ourense, is configures as a centre with a very high research infrastructure, unrivalled in the geographic surroundings.

CACTI web page