Among the objectives of the Faculty of Biology is to know the aspects of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the different groups of interest linked to the centre, as well as improvement initiatives that can be provided to the centre management and its degrees.

For this purpose, it is mandatory to use the forms that are available in the telematic network through the virtual secretary of the University of Vigo.

Complaints, suggestions and congratulations can be sent anonymously. If you want to receive an answer, you must provide an email or the necessary information to receive the answer by postal mail. The response time will be from up to 15 business days.

Complaints related with the qualifications of the evaluation tests, which must be handled through the procedures established in the Regulations of the students, are excluded from this system.

the case of those complaints or suggestions that arrive at the centre through a channel different from that established for this purpose (IQAS procedure MC-02 P1), must follow the internal procedure that the Faculty of Biology has developed for this purpose (approved in the Committee of Quality on May 21, 2015).

Its objective is to contribute to the increase of the satisfaction of the users or groups of interest through an effective treatment of the CSC, motivating the strategy of continuous improvement and their participation in the activities of quality management. This procedure establishes the internal system of action that allows receiving and processing those entries in an appropriate manner.