The city of Vigo and its region


The city of Vigo is the headquarters of the main campus of the University of Vigo since 1990. This city of the Galician Atlantic coast is located in the interior of the estuary of Vigo (Ría de Vigo), in whose entrance are the Cies Islands, a natural environment of a high ecological value due to its ecosystem and the sediment-dwelling. All of this forms part of the Atlantic Islands National Park. The municipality forms together with other neighbouring municipalities (Porriño, Mos, Redondela, Gondomar, Nigrán, etc.) the region of Vigo, extended across a large part of the southwestern slope of Pontevedra.

The city and its region are characterised by a diversified economy linked to the fishing sector, the industry and trade, as well as the tourism and services, being considered historically as the main economic and industrial engine of Galicia. The city of Vigo, with almost 300,000 inhabitants, has the most important merchandise port on the Atlantic coast and it is the main commercialize fishing port for human consumption in Spain and one of the first ones in the world. Vigo is considered a dynamic and entrepreneurial city, where culture and leisure are combined with a wide range of museums and art galleries. At the same time, this city has managed to grow keeping the right balance with the natural surroundings and highlighting its fantastic beaches.

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Lagoas-Marcosende Campus


Located about 15 km from the city, The Lagoas-Marcosende Campus is the main academic and administrative field of the University of Vigo, housing between all its buildings the Faculty of Biology. The University Campus is situated in a unique natural environment, extended along the southern slope of a mountainous zone located in the parish of Zamáns, at an altitude of 390 and 450 metres above sea level. You can admire the beauty of the estuary of Vigo and the neighbouring municipalities from the viewpoints placed near the university campus.

The campus is a place of contrast in which modern constructions and natural landscapes are combined. There you can also see a wide variety of animal species such as the arnal lizard (Lacerta lepida), the common buzzard (Butea butea) the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), as well as wild horses (Equus caballus). Likewise, a great diversity of plant species of autochthonous and non native origin can also be found. The archaeological remains are also part of the campus, with the megalithic sites of Monte das Pedreiras.

This campus houses nine faculties, as well as the Rectorate building and the central services building, several research buildings, a big central library, a residence hall and a large commercial field. Likewise, the Lagoas-Marcosende Campus also offers many facilities to practise sports, both outdoors (running tracks, soccer fields, tennis courts…) and indoors (swimming pool, gymnasium…). Finally, if you want relaxation and tranquility, you can go for a walk around the campus enjoying the contact with wildlife.

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