Area of Immunology
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology
Contact information
Faculty of Biology
Despacho D-106
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 130 141
Short CV
Prof. África González is Professor of Immunology, at the University of Vigo. Se was the former Director of CINBIO (2009-2019). From 2016 to 2020, she was the President of the Spanish Society for Immunology. Her research spreads over 100 publications and 4 patents. She is co-founder of the spin-off NanoImmunoTech (NIT), a company specialized in nanoparticles and biosensing. This innovative entrepreneurship led her to the final stage of the “EU Prize for Women Innovators 2017”. She is regularly invited as speaker in congresses and different mass media. She is member of the RAFG.
1st term
Degree in BIology
V02G031V01305 | Inmunoloxía e parasitoloxía
V02G031V01405 | Bioquímica e inmunoloxía clínicas
2nd term
Master’s Degree in Advanced Biotechnology
V02M074V11233 | Design and production of vaccines and drugs
V02M074V11234 | The design of new specific drugs (pharmacology and pharmacogenomics)
Research group
Research topics
- Vacinas: Tuberculose
- Nanomedicina e toxicidade a nanomateriais
- Anticorpos monoclonais