The interuniversity Master’s degree in Advanced Biotechnology is given in the universities of Vigo and A Coruña. The Master’s degree provides the student an advanced education in Biotechnology with a specialized and multidisciplinary character. The objective is double: on one hand, it is based in the professional formation of students for the biotechnology industry and/or the update of the knowledge of professionals already working in this activity. On the other hand, the education of new researchers for incorporating researching equipment from public centres and companies.

Degree web page


Information of interest

  • Vacancies: 30 (15 in UVigo)
  • Teaching type: face-to-face
  • Offer regularity: annual
  • Duration: 90 ECTS



Pedro Pablo Gallego Veigas
+34 986 812 595


Postgraduate Studies Area
+34 986 812 532