Caballero Rúa


Area of Genetics
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology

Contact information

Faculty of Biology
Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais
Bloque B, Floor 3, Despacho 14

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 568

Short CV

Professor of Genetics with interest in the fields of Quantitative Genetics, Conservation genetics and Evolution. Doctor in Biological Sciences by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1990). Award of Degree and Doctorate. Postdoctoral researcher in the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) (1990-1996). Author of about 120 scientific papers, h-index 39 and about 20 papers cited in well-known books of population genetics, conservation genetics and evolution. Award “1st Centennial Award for quantitative genetics” to the best paper in Quantitative Genetics published in 2015 in the journal Genetics (official journal of the American Society of Genetics). Ranked within the 2 % top scientist of larger scientific impact in the list Career-long-2018 (Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford). Position 2 for University of Vigo researchers in all categories, and position 12 of 29 in the list of Spanish researchers in the category of Evolutionary Biology.. Associated editor of the journals Evolution (1999-2001), American Naturalist (2005-2009), Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2007-2011), Genetics Selection Evolution (2009-) and Heredity (2016-). Author of the book “Quantitative Genetics”. Cambridge University Press, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-108-48141-0. Head of department. Coordinator of PhD program (1997-2017) and Master of Science (2009-2013).


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

Degree in BIology

V02G031V01304 | Xenética II
V02G031V01415 | Biodiversidade: Xestión e conservación

2nd term


1st term

On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.


2nd term

On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Virtual Secretariat.


Researching profile at UVigo

Research group

Xenética de Poboacións e Citoxenética

Research topics

  • Conservation genetics
  • Genetic architecture of quantitative traits
  • Genetic diversity and differentiation in subdivided populations